Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday, December 5

Unrequited Love

Just a drop in the ocean is him,
A frail little bird that just lost its wing
And his understanding of things is slim
He would not be an attractive gold ring
his lanky arms do not lift my spirits
He has the face of an unknown creature
He knows not the language of love, esprit
Yet I adore his every bland feature
To his personality I am keen
Yet he does not see what is before him
A beautiful girl, waiting to be seen
He lives a life that is really quite grim
I have always been here for all this time,
                                                  He’s not my prince, a princess am not I

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4 - Unrequited Love

   He was staring at me again. He looked away quickly every time I turned my head, but I saw. It was really getting on my nerves. Why couldn't he take a hint?
   "So this girl in my class was talking about you," I said, before taking a sip of my usual order at our coffee shop.
   "Oh, really," He said uninterestedly, jotting down some notes in his biology notebook. "Hey, would you want to go out sometime?" He asked innocently, as if this was a normal thing for friends to ask.
   "No, and you really need to stop asking me, the answer will always be no," I said forcefully, sick of having to do this now.
   "Geez, chill, it was just a question," He said playfully, trying to shrug off his failed attempt at getting me to go out with him.
   I was ending this now, "No, it was not just a question, it was more than that. You can't get over me. Ever since eighth grade you have constantly stared at me and pestered me into going on a date with you, but the answer is no, because I don't like you." I said, spouting out everything I had wanted to say for the past four years. He stared at me with a hurt look in his eyes. He did not say anything for a while, but finally said okay. Just okay. I was expecting more from him, but I remembered that he was always really annoying like that. I picked up my backpack and left, leaving a big part of my life on the table, with a broken heart.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18 - Treason and Historical Fiction

Theodore Roosevelt sitting in his car,
Waving to the crowd,
Not getting very far,
Before his assassin shoots a round.
Blocked by his lengthy speech,
And metal eyeglass case,
The bullet never breached
His chest or his face
Roosevelt however,
Was determined to speak.
This event will be remembered forever,
The president who was not weak.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17 - Found Poem

Found Poem

Distractedly waiting,
She surveyed the door.
Having just run the marathon,
She could barely stand anymore

In this heat, running was exhausting
She propped herself up with an elbow,
Everyone chose to ignore her,
A miserable, heartbroken girl they did not know.

With a swell of relief,
The door opened then shut,
But it was not him and she was shaken,
Dazed by the fact that he did not show up.

With wobbly legs she stood up,
And then wearily sighed,
A sweating cup of iced tea in each hand,
She trudged home with tired eyes.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13 - The Macabre Arts


The Underworld was nothing like I expected it to be. Narrow tunnels similar to what sewage systems looked like and little areas of light on the ceiling, so that we could see into Heaven. The thought of looking at the good people of the afterlife disgusted me. However, Everyone crowded around these tiny lights like flies. There was pushing, shoving, and the breaking of bones. Malnourished skeletons staining for a glimpse of what could have been. I don't really care about seeing into Heaven. I've always known I would never make it there. The Underworld, however, is terrible. New arrivals are to stay in the first level for a century, feeling the worst form of torture, regret. After that, they were admitted into the real underworld, where tortures both man-made and mythical were waiting for us. I couldn't wait. While all of the crazed skeletons murdered for a glimpse into Heaven, I just sat, and waited.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12 - The Haunted House

   I was just getting up to go to the bathroom during a break in the monster movie marathon, when I heard a strange laughter coming from above. Now, I had been warned by the real estate agent that people in this house often heard strange things, so I wasn't too concerned about the noise. I headed to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich when I heard the noise again. This time, it was closer. Nervous, I looked around and made my way upstairs to retrieve my gun. By now, the laughter was ear-splitting and sounded like a chorus of witches, cackling at their latest victim. I was determined not to be bothered by the continuous laughter and convinced myself that it would die down soon. With my gun in a firm grip, I walked slowly to the stairs, conscious of the never ending laughing screams. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a white mist trailing the floor. Knowing that was never supposed to happen, I shot at the floor, in hopes of scaring this mist creature away. The mist only grew, creating the most devilish looking monster you could ever imagine. I stumbled back, composed myself, and shot at the looming figure. It's teeth gnashed, its form convulsed, but it did not seem to be affected by my bullets. I kept shooting though, not knowing what else to do. The creature advanced towards me, mysteriously evading my bullets and growing even larger. I was sure my neighbors had heard all of the noise and were on there way, but I wasn't sure if they would come fast enough. The monster stepped through me and became my shadow, it changed from a wispy white to a sharp, cold, black. I glared at the shadow on the wall and shot. A piercing pain charged through my heart, and I collapsed. Moments later, the cold black monster came out of my body along with my soul. It looked scared, but it did not look like me. It's teeth were sharpened to a point like the monster's and it appeared to have lost some human features. The dark monster drew me away, to the attic where they lure their prey. I would live out the rest of my days as a laughing beast.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7 - Eww, That's Creepy!

A row of women accused of Witchcraft hang
Over the growing crowd.
When all of a sudden, no one could see,
The women hidden by a shroud.
The mysterious veil prompted many cries,
As people struggled to see
The women who's lives were cruelly taken,
Who had pleaded and begged for mercy.
All of a sudden a cry rang out,
From somewhere near the ropes,
A cry that echoed throughout the town,
Devoid of humor and hope.
In cruel curiosity,
The crowd surged forward,
Straining to see the cause for alarm,
And when they saw it, they were floored.
Where the witches should be,
There was now only air,
The women had escaped,
A chill ran through the entire square.