Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7 - Eww, That's Creepy!

A row of women accused of Witchcraft hang
Over the growing crowd.
When all of a sudden, no one could see,
The women hidden by a shroud.
The mysterious veil prompted many cries,
As people struggled to see
The women who's lives were cruelly taken,
Who had pleaded and begged for mercy.
All of a sudden a cry rang out,
From somewhere near the ropes,
A cry that echoed throughout the town,
Devoid of humor and hope.
In cruel curiosity,
The crowd surged forward,
Straining to see the cause for alarm,
And when they saw it, they were floored.
Where the witches should be,
There was now only air,
The women had escaped,
A chill ran through the entire square.

1 comment:

  1. I like how this does have that feeling of creepy. The word choice is great in making that creepy feeling. I also enjoy the fact that it makes the reader feel like they were at one of these hangings. To make it better you could of made it interactive, but it is really good!
