Saturday, August 16, 2014

Friday, August 15 - Kingergarten

    Joey was tired. His mother was waking him up and saying strange words like "school" and "kindergarten." Joey didn't understand anything she was saying, so he just rolled over and closed his eyes again. His mother insisted that he get up right then, though, because something important was going to happen. With sand in his eyes and a tired sigh, Joey reluctantly stood up. He was feeling confused because he always slept longer, and it felt really early, and the light peeking through the blinds had a bluish tint, when it normally had a yellowish hue. His mother made him wash his face and put on clothes. He felt more awake, but was still really confused. And hungry. While his mother was preparing breakfast, he noticed a bag in the corner of his room. What could be in it? He thought in his head. He walked over, opened the bag, and saw... office supplies? These were the things his parents used when they did boring stuff! Not wanting anything to do with the boring items, he went to see what his mother was making. When Joey tried to walk down the stairs like a dinosaur, his father yelled at him to knock it off. Finally downstairs, Joey ate the bagel with cream cheese his mother had made and sat down on the couch. Joey still was confused because he was dressed when he usually wasn't and his parents were giving him weird looks.
     "What's going on?" Joey asked his concerned looking parents.
     "We have something to tell you," His father said.
     "Today is your first day of Kindergarten!" His mother exclaimed.
     "What's Kindergarten?" Joey was still confused.
     His parents exchanged looks.
     "Well," His father explained, "It is a place where children your age go to a classroom and learn things. That is what the bag in your room is for."
     Joey was horrified. A place to learn? That sounded terrible.
     "You can't make me go!" Joey yelled, and then zipped off to his room like a scared spider. He was just shaking at the thought of doing something other than watch tv and play video games. He crawled up under the covers and tried to fall back asleep, but his parents came and picked him up before he could.
     "NO!" Joey cried, but it was too late. His mother had already strapped him in his car seat and put his book bag in the seat next to him. Joey pouted the whole way there, wishing he were one of his action figures that could save the world and did not have to go to Kindergarten.
     When they arrived at the school, Joey was shocked at the size of the building and the huge yellow cars that held what seemed like hundreds of little kids his age.
    "We're here!" his mother said happily. "You are going to have so much fun! I already met your teacher and she is really excited to have you. I'll be back to pick you up when it is over. Bye sweetie!"
    Joey thought his mother had abandoned him and felt really upset. He followed all the other kids and ended up in a room with little desks and lots of kids. The teacher said her name and called out all of the kids that were supposed to be there. She called Joey's name and he let out a surprised squeak, then recovered and said here like all the other kids had. The lesson started and ended with nothing important happening. Joey hadn't really listened to anything the teacher had said and his paper was blank. Something called free time was next, and it was basically when all of the kids were set free for an hour and they got to play on dangerous looking play structures. Wanting nothing to do with these children and their oddly shaped contraptions, Joey just sat down in the grass and started to hum.
   When the teacher called all of the kids to come back inside, Joey did not hear, because he was very aggressively humming. Joey had dozed off on the grass because he had gotten up too early and didn't understand what he was doing in school. When an adult finally came and retrieved Joey, he had already decided to run away. He was still working out all of the details when his mother came to the principle's office after he had been sent there for "misbehaving"
    "Oh, Sweetie, I'm sorry," his mother said, shaking her head, "your father and I should have told you about school before today, we just didn't know how you would react."
   "I hate it!" Joey said, shaking and pouting, not knowing exactly why he was in trouble.
   "Okay, can you just sit here while I talk to the principle?" His mother said sweetly but sternly, like she always did.
   "I guess," said Joey.
   "Good, I'll be right back," His mother patted him on the head and then walked into an important looking office. Joey was thinking about what a shell-less turtle would look like when the important looking office door opened. His mother walked out looking happy like she always did and told him that he would be moved to a different class.
    "Why?" Joey asked, more confused than ever.
    "The principle recommended it  and I agreed that it was a good choice for you. The principle also suggested you start now so that you don't fall behind. I'll take you there," His mother said, practically beaming with happiness. Joey followed her down halls covered in pictures that were covered in glitter and paint. He thought it might be fun to make one of those pictures and have it hanging on one of the endless walls. They finally arrived at the new classroom and a shining lady with a lovely floral dress was there to greet them.
   "Hello!" The lady said, radiating happiness much like Joey's mother. "I'm Mrs. Lovette, and I'm going to be your new teacher! How exciting is that?" Joey didn't think it was very exciting, but he did not say anything, for fear of dimming her sunshine.
   "Bye, Joey," His mother said, "I think your in good hands now." She patted him on the head again and departed.
   "This is a good class, Joey, I think you will like it. It is designed for children like you who learn a little differently than most kids. Right now they are drawing a picture of their favorite toy. You can join them if you would like," Mrs. Lovette smiled at him and handed him a blank sheet of paper and a box of crayons after he shook his head so hard, it gave him a headache. She directed him to an empty chair next to another boy who was muttering to himself about monsters.
   After scribbling for a few minutes, the boy turned to Joey and said his name was Tony. Joey asked what he was drawing. When Tony said a shell-less turtle, Joey knew he had made a new best friend.

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