Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

   Nothing. A field of nothingness obscures the view from the same shade of grey. What happened? Why is everything so colorless? Walking past the once a toy store reduced to rubble, and the factory which used to produce the world's toothbrushes, now gone. Black and grey ashes that smell of death fly swiftly past to try and claim their next victim, but jokes on them, everyone is dead. Burned by the second of two bombs to try and scare the citizens of this nation. If the first was tragic, this was downright devastating. Rows and rows of melted cars line the street, because this is still a danger zone, and while no one is allowed in the perimeters yet, No one thinks there were any survivors. Skeletons that tried to run, a ghastly smell of everything burning that just never seems to go away, and the screams still echoing through the buildings that no longer stand haunt this little town. It will never recover, nor will the lives of all of these innocent people who will never get to tell their stories. While sitting down on the dusty and glass covered sidewalk, I am overwhelmed by all of the thoughts and realizations that occur to me. So I lay down, close my eyes, and wait for help to come.
The Aftermath

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