Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27 - Fairy Tale Name Character

M    mysterious
E     effervescent
R     resilient                                         
I      independent
D    dauntless
A    audacious

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Thursday, October 21 - Deja Vu

   Caroline studied the old man carefully. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about him reminded her of someone else. But who? Caroline impatiently waited for her order to be ready as she speculated his identity. When her coffee was ready she sat down at a table next to the old man. The man was intently doing a crossword puzzle in the newspaper. Caroline did not want to bother him, so she just stared at him instead. He finally looked up from his puzzle and at first didn't notice Caroline. When he finally did, however, his entire face changed from confusion to happiness.
"Sarah?" The man asked in a soft voice. Now Caroline was confused, because she didn't know a Sarah. 
   "I'm sorry, sir, I think you have the wrong person," Caroline said awkwardly. The man still looked at her with a huge grin on his face.
   "Hold on," the man said as he shuffled around in his pocket. Then he pulled out his wallet and started to look through that. I was starting to question if knowing who this man was really worth it. As I started to stand, he pulled out a folded picture. "Found it!" He said excitedly. He held it out for me to open. Hesitantly, I opened the picture, and there I was, as a little girl, sitting on an adult man's lap. It took me a minute, but when I finally realized what the picture meant, I stared at the man, waiting for an explanation.
   He sighed, "When you were three years old, you walked away at a grocery store and you never came back," he said, getting emotional. "We thought we had lost you forever, We figured you had been kidnapped, but we never knew for sure." He looked at me with tears in his eyes, "Please come home, Sarah."
    I looked back into those eyes that matched mine and just barely choked out, "Of course, Grandpa."

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday, October 16 - RAIN

   It is day 345 of the rain. Most of the earth has flooded, and the remaining land that is not submerged in water is submerged in people. There is no room to even move in the house I am staying in. Supplies are dwindling and the rain is showing no signs of stopping. The tarp I am covered with is old and smells like mildew. Wind beats against the flag of America that we hung up, if only to give us a sense of hope. The mountain we are on is getting filthy, and the water levels keep rising. I don't know what we are going to do. The ceremonial rain dance is being performed right now, and I am working on preparations for the one year anniversary of the flood. I am making the rainbow costumes for everyone. It's just a way to pass the time. The idea was brought up by the person we elected chief, because he could see that our spirit was vanishing. I don't care, as long as I have something to do, I'm happy. There have been a few people to go crazy in our colony, and they had to be drowned. Maybe this eternal storm will end, and maybe it won't. I just keep hoping for a rainbow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15 - I remember when...

   I remember when I used to erupt,
   A million sparks shooting up,
   Over the ocean,
   Across the sky,
   Scorching the heavens,
   But I was just passing time,
   Waiting for another,
   Just like me.
   But there wasn't another volcano,
   Not as far as the eye could see.
   Until one day,
   Impossibly far away,
   I saw a gleam in the air,
   That could have only meant one thing.
   So I waited and waited,
   Until I decided to sing,
   "I have a dream,
   I hope will come true,
   That your here with me,
   And I'm here with you,
   I wish that the earth and  the skies up above,
   Would send me someone to lava"
   So I waited some more,
   Until she could respond,
   With her own version of love,
   Using the words of her own song,
   "I had a dream,
   I know will be heard,
   By those up above,
   From us here on earth,
   I wish that our distance was not quite so far,
   To get to my someone to lava."
   I was touched by her words,
   And wanted to spend eternity with her,
   Yet we kept moving,
   At a rate that was getting slower and slower.
   Finally, years and years later,
   We met face to face,
   Her beautiful edges, points, and sparks,
   All of my plans fell into place.
   We lived happy together,
   Forever and ever,
   Sharing the sea,
   And smiling at everything.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7 - The Flip Side

It was too hard to breathe,
It was too hard to see,
After losing the championship,
Oh, Woe is me!
I practiced for years,
Through blood, sweat, and tears,
I had dedicated my life to this sport.
Why am I even standing here,
In second place,
With a frown on my face,
I just don't understand,
Why I tried so hard to land
That cartwheel in the air,
Quadruple handstand.
What am I going to do now,
My entire life is crashing down,
That girl at the top of the podium is so lucky,
It's such a shame that she looks like a cow.
It is too hard to breathe,
It is too hard to see,
A million camera flashes,
Are pointed at me,
I practiced for years,
and faced my fears,
Until at last I could land,
The quintuple trifecta split stand.
With a smile on my face,
I stand in first place,
waving to the crowd,
Whose cheering is deafeningly loud 
The girl in second place looks so sad,
I wish I could help her,
She storms away mad,
Which I don't see why considering she just scored three points under.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6 - Persona Poem

   Taylor Swift
I wake up with a cat on my nose.
It is way too early.
I don't have time for anything,
I just put on a blanket and go
To the airport
With my coffee in tow.
This is my life,
Waking up before the sun
In order to make music for my fans.
The release date
Is one month away
I hope they like it,
It is my favorite one
Like Ever.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2 - The Frog Prince

   Once upon a time in an abandoned swamp, a tearful princess was lamenting the fact that she was just average and that nobody wanted to marry her. Having been engaged three times before and left at the alter just as many, she was giving up hope that she would ever find a lover. The only thing the princess really wanted was a companion. Out of nowhere she heard a throaty voice ask if she was okay.
   "Who said that?" The princess asked, looking around and straightening her hair so that she wouldn't look like a mess if the strange voice happened to be a suitor. A frog jumped on a lily pad not far away. She called out, "Hello?" hoping she hadn't scared off the suitor.
   "Yes hello there, why are you crying?" The frog asked earnestly. Dumbfounded, the princess backed away, thinking she was delusional. "No, don't leave me, I'm merely a cursed prince, I haven't had a companion in so long, please sit," The frog motioned to the ground beside the lily pad. Sympathizing with the frog, the princess sat down and stared at the frog expectantly. "Hello princess, I have been waiting for a beautiful stranger such as your self to show up for many the year. You have no idea how lonely it has been in this swamp since being cursed." The frog spoke, with his eyes staring at a space in the distance.
   The princess's heart went out to the frog prince's pitiful existence. "Whatever you need me to do, I will do it, nobody deserves to be alone forever."
   "Thank you my dear, together we can rule the world and I will never leave you once you perform this one simple request." The frog said.
   The frog rubbed his hands together excitedly "Okay so this is what I need you to do," he then proceeded to tell the princess what he needed from her. The princess was dubious of his list of needs but a promise was a promise. She left right then, saying that she would be back at the first light of the new day. The frog waited impatiently while the princess was collecting his items. He was so excited he could barely breathe.
   The princess gathered up the items that the frog had asked for very carefully, and very fast. She just hoped that she hadn't forgotten something. When she returned to the frog, he hopped around gleefully.
   "Yippee! I will finally be able to walk again!" the prince croaked out. "Now I need you to place all of the items around me in a circle." The princess then went about placing the items around an excited frog prince. She placed the silver spoon to the north of the frog, the diamond ring at the south, the platinum plate to the east, and finally the emerald dragon's egg at the west. The frog smiled as the magic started to transform him. He suddenly realized something that the princess had not retrieved for him. "What about the golden ba-" he was cut off as his entire body was engulfed in pixiedust. When the smoke had finally cleared, the princess did not see a handsome price standing in front of her, but an orange and white cat, mewing grumpily. She walked over to the cat, picked it up, and hugged it so hard, it could barely breathe.
   "Now you can never leave me!" the princess exclaimed happily, "I went to a witch to ask about your items, and she suggested that if I wanted eternal love, I would have to leave out the golden ball from the spell. So I did!" The princess giggled. "And we will live happily ever after!" She skipped all of the way back to the kingdom to alert her parents to call off the husband search, for she had found her soulmate.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1 - Fairy Tale Characters

Born with a spark,
And cleaning away,
Sits a young Cinderella,
Cursing the day,
That her father died,
And left her to this hag,
A life sentenced to suffering
And listening to her two step-nags.
She wishes for hope,
She dreams for love,
That one day a fairy
Will be sent from above.
With the help of the mice,
She prepares for the ball,
That her stepmother accepted,
So long as she does her chores, not one but all.
Without a dress to wear,
Cinderella gains the help of the mice
Who love Cinderella,
And make a dress that is just right.
But her sisters were angry,
They said it just wasn't fair,
How Cinderella got to go to the ball,
She didn't deserve to be there

They tore it to shreds,
To every last bit,
Until Cinderella
Nearly pitched a fit.
 In a tearful state,
Cinderella runs away,
But is stopped by a fairy,
Who is there just like fate.

With a flick of her wrist,
And a bop and a boo,
Cinderella transforms
Into a beautiful new
Princess who is worthy
Of meeting the prince
And at last has the chance
To get true loves first kiss.

Now at the ball,
Cinderella dances
With the prince of her dreams,
Thanking her lucky stars for second chances.
But the clock strikes midnight,
And not a moment too soon,
Cinderella is running away,
but she is missing a shoe.
She left it on the steps,
As she was making an escape,
So that the price wouldn't see her,
In a poor bedraggled state.

The prince has to find her,
so he starts a large search,
Hoping the shoe fits his maiden,
The one who left him in the lurch.
Finally the shoe arrives at a house,
With two ugly stepsisters,
But Cinderella is locked away,
The shoebearer may miss her!
With the help of the mice,
Cinderella is finally free,
She tries on the shoe,
And it fits perfectly.

They both shall live
Happily Ever After,
Cinderella and her prince,
A life full of happiness and laughter.