Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2 - The Frog Prince

   Once upon a time in an abandoned swamp, a tearful princess was lamenting the fact that she was just average and that nobody wanted to marry her. Having been engaged three times before and left at the alter just as many, she was giving up hope that she would ever find a lover. The only thing the princess really wanted was a companion. Out of nowhere she heard a throaty voice ask if she was okay.
   "Who said that?" The princess asked, looking around and straightening her hair so that she wouldn't look like a mess if the strange voice happened to be a suitor. A frog jumped on a lily pad not far away. She called out, "Hello?" hoping she hadn't scared off the suitor.
   "Yes hello there, why are you crying?" The frog asked earnestly. Dumbfounded, the princess backed away, thinking she was delusional. "No, don't leave me, I'm merely a cursed prince, I haven't had a companion in so long, please sit," The frog motioned to the ground beside the lily pad. Sympathizing with the frog, the princess sat down and stared at the frog expectantly. "Hello princess, I have been waiting for a beautiful stranger such as your self to show up for many the year. You have no idea how lonely it has been in this swamp since being cursed." The frog spoke, with his eyes staring at a space in the distance.
   The princess's heart went out to the frog prince's pitiful existence. "Whatever you need me to do, I will do it, nobody deserves to be alone forever."
   "Thank you my dear, together we can rule the world and I will never leave you once you perform this one simple request." The frog said.
   The frog rubbed his hands together excitedly "Okay so this is what I need you to do," he then proceeded to tell the princess what he needed from her. The princess was dubious of his list of needs but a promise was a promise. She left right then, saying that she would be back at the first light of the new day. The frog waited impatiently while the princess was collecting his items. He was so excited he could barely breathe.
   The princess gathered up the items that the frog had asked for very carefully, and very fast. She just hoped that she hadn't forgotten something. When she returned to the frog, he hopped around gleefully.
   "Yippee! I will finally be able to walk again!" the prince croaked out. "Now I need you to place all of the items around me in a circle." The princess then went about placing the items around an excited frog prince. She placed the silver spoon to the north of the frog, the diamond ring at the south, the platinum plate to the east, and finally the emerald dragon's egg at the west. The frog smiled as the magic started to transform him. He suddenly realized something that the princess had not retrieved for him. "What about the golden ba-" he was cut off as his entire body was engulfed in pixiedust. When the smoke had finally cleared, the princess did not see a handsome price standing in front of her, but an orange and white cat, mewing grumpily. She walked over to the cat, picked it up, and hugged it so hard, it could barely breathe.
   "Now you can never leave me!" the princess exclaimed happily, "I went to a witch to ask about your items, and she suggested that if I wanted eternal love, I would have to leave out the golden ball from the spell. So I did!" The princess giggled. "And we will live happily ever after!" She skipped all of the way back to the kingdom to alert her parents to call off the husband search, for she had found her soulmate.


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