Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1 - Fairy Tale Characters

Born with a spark,
And cleaning away,
Sits a young Cinderella,
Cursing the day,
That her father died,
And left her to this hag,
A life sentenced to suffering
And listening to her two step-nags.
She wishes for hope,
She dreams for love,
That one day a fairy
Will be sent from above.
With the help of the mice,
She prepares for the ball,
That her stepmother accepted,
So long as she does her chores, not one but all.
Without a dress to wear,
Cinderella gains the help of the mice
Who love Cinderella,
And make a dress that is just right.
But her sisters were angry,
They said it just wasn't fair,
How Cinderella got to go to the ball,
She didn't deserve to be there

They tore it to shreds,
To every last bit,
Until Cinderella
Nearly pitched a fit.
 In a tearful state,
Cinderella runs away,
But is stopped by a fairy,
Who is there just like fate.

With a flick of her wrist,
And a bop and a boo,
Cinderella transforms
Into a beautiful new
Princess who is worthy
Of meeting the prince
And at last has the chance
To get true loves first kiss.

Now at the ball,
Cinderella dances
With the prince of her dreams,
Thanking her lucky stars for second chances.
But the clock strikes midnight,
And not a moment too soon,
Cinderella is running away,
but she is missing a shoe.
She left it on the steps,
As she was making an escape,
So that the price wouldn't see her,
In a poor bedraggled state.

The prince has to find her,
so he starts a large search,
Hoping the shoe fits his maiden,
The one who left him in the lurch.
Finally the shoe arrives at a house,
With two ugly stepsisters,
But Cinderella is locked away,
The shoebearer may miss her!
With the help of the mice,
Cinderella is finally free,
She tries on the shoe,
And it fits perfectly.

They both shall live
Happily Ever After,
Cinderella and her prince,
A life full of happiness and laughter.

1 comment:

  1. I like the structure of the poem, and how you captured the story of Cinderella in a poem. To make it better, you could of put a picture to go along with the story.
