Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Friday, August 22 - Wacky Words

   Woody the cowboy had been planning the Super Spectacular Ranger Rodeo for weeks, and it was finally the big day. Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead were in charge of snacks, Ham was in charge of seating and construction, and Rex and Trixie were both in charge of decorations. Of course Jessie, Bullseye, and himself were in charge of the entertainment, and Mr. Pricklepants was the announcer. It was going to be the best event ever, because Bonnie was on vacation, the Sunnyside crew was coming, and everything was in place. What could possibly go wrong?
   "Uh, Woody?" Slinky called from under the bed, which was where the Rodeo preparations were taking place.
   "What, What is it?" Woody called impatiently.
   "We have a bit of a situation down here," replied Slinky.
   "Oh for crying out loud," Woody muttered to himself as he jumped off the bed to see what the problem was. Not knowing what to expect, he opened the flap of the sheet to walk under the bed, and saw the three peas in a pod stuck to Chuckles the Clown. "What on earth happened!" an exasperated Woody asked.
   "Well,... uh... you see," Slinky stuttered, tongue tied.
   "What, What do I see?" Woody asked, tapping his foot and staring Slinky down. Chuckles the Clown was awkwardly standing next to them while the peas squirmed and protested on his body. Chuckles was definitely not smiling now.
    Slinky chose his next words very carefully. "We found this thing under the bed, and before we knew, it had gotten everywhere and made everything sticky."
    Woody let out a big sigh. "That's because this thing is super glue!" a problem like this was the last thing Woody needed.
    "Oh." Slinky replied sheepishly. "Well...uh, we'll fix it, won't we chuckles?" Chuckles just glared at him with a frown on his face.
    "You better fix it before the Rodeo, we need Chuckles to do the stand-up comedy before the show," Woody said, feeling like he was losing control of everything. "Now where did you put the superglue?"
   "Oh it's right..." Slinky trailed off and started to look around frantically.
   "Slinky, where is the superglue?"
   "Uh, I don't know, Woody, it was here just a minute ago," Slinky said, feeling very sorry for ever opening the superglue.
   "Great, just great, as if I didn't have enough to worry about already," Woody muttered while pacing back and forth.
   "Well I could look for it if you want, cowboy,"Slinky suggested
   "Really?" Woody was a little unsure about this idea.
   "Sure, you got enough on your plate as it is, I'd be happy to help,"
   "Well, alright, but take Chuckles, and see if you can unstick the peas from him."
   "Sure thing, cowboy, I won't let you down," Slinky said with confidence. Woody left to deal with other things and Slinky started operation superglue. Slinky and Chuckles' first stop was the decoration headquarters, where Rex and Trixie were intensely cutting out cowboy hats and horseshoes to place everywhere like confetti. When asked if they had seen the superglue, they both shrugged and continued to cut out shapes.
   The next stop was to ask Mr, and Mrs. Potatohead if they had the glue. Slinky caught them at a bad time, because they were arguing over which color of jellybeans was better. Not wanting to disrupt them, Slinky checked around, and when he did not see the superglue, continued on his way.
   Finally, operation superglue went to Ham, who was building the stage and setting everything up on top of the bed.
   "Hey, have you seen some superglue by any chance?" Slinky asked.
   "Sure, I got loads of it right here, how d'ya think I made the stage?" Ham replied.
   "Really? well that's just great, because you see, there was a tube of it under the bed and it got everywhere, and well, the peas are attached to Chuckles," Slinky rambled out. "Can you fix it?"
   "Of course I can, I'm Ham the handyman, I can fix anything," A few minutes later, Chuckles was free from the squirminess and loudness of the peas.
   "Thank you so much, Ham, I don't know what we would have done without you, Chuckles, go tell cowboy that we did it. But wait, what happened to the superglue from under the bed?" Slinky asked Ham.
   "I don't know, buddy, where do you think it went?" Ham replied unhelpfully. All of a sudden, there was a cry of disgust, and Mr. Pricklepants appeared covered in jelly beans and with an angry Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead hot on his trail.
   "Ugh, get these disgusting atrotions off of me!" Mr. Pricklepants called out worriedly.
   "I'm coming!" Ham called back.
   "How dare you mess up our beautiful jelly bean display we worked so hard on!" Mrs. Potatohead exclaimed as Mr. Potatohead tried to calm her down.
   "People, people, please, what is the problem?" an annoyed Woody appeared, carrying a clipboard with almost all of the boxes on his to-do list checked off. "The Sunnyside people will be here any minute, and we need to be prepared, not fighting like a bunch of trolls!" Woody had had enough of all this nonsense, and he was going to make sure this rodeo went off without a hitch.
"I know you are all stressed out, and believe me, I am to, but we need to work together to make this the best possible show we can, now who's with me?" Woody the cowboy got a few whoops and hollers at that, so he continued his speech. "Alright, Ham, help Mr. Pricklepants, Potatoheads, get more jelly beans, and dinosaurs, decorate things," Everyone scrambled to do their assigned jobs and by the time the Sunnyside crew came, everything was in place, and Chuckles was getting ready to do his stand up comedy routine.
   "What's black, white, and read all over?" Chuckles asked in a monotone voice, "A newspaper." He got a bunch of laughs from the crowd, and by the time he was over, everyone's sides hurt from laughing so much.
   "Alright folks, it is now time for your main source of entertainment, The Super Spectacular Ranger Rodeo!" Mr Pricklepants announced to the gathered toys, "Buzz, hit the lights. Buzz did as he was told, and the whole audience was transported to the wild west. Woody the cowboy provided lots of amusement and jokes as he and Bullseye tried to rescue Jessie. Overall, it was the best show in the history of the toy world.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you built the story, it was really cute and funny. I really liked it, but to make it better maybe you could have given a little more detail to what the other characters were doing?
