Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - Concert

  Thursday, August 15 
   Ugh. So my friend got tickets to see a cellist. A CELLIST. She said I absolutely have to go, so I guess there's no getting out of this one. Blah.
Friday, August 16
   Today is the day. What do you even wear to a cello concert? My friend said to dress fancy, but I'm not sure. I will probably wear a dress anyways just so that I don't embarrass her.
   The traffic was terrible, but we finally made it to our seats, so now we just wait I guess.
   Finally! The curtains are opening and a man is walking out. This better be good. He starts to play and I feel... happy. Like indescribably calm and happy. Huh. It's like the sounds his bow is creating is hypnotizing and joyful at the same time.  He finishes his first piece and everyone in the entire stadium stands and claps for what seems like fifteen minutes. When the people calm down, He continues to his next piece with tears in his eyes. His melodic and rhythmic playing continues to fill the audience's hearts and souls, including mine. I blink back emotions that I never even knew I had. This music doesn't even have words! But just as well, I think that I have found a new favorite genre of music. The cellist's bow goes and goes like a train on its way to deliver goods to the people. It creates soft noises, harsh noises, sad songs, and joyful tunes. All too soon the concert is over, and I feel like a changed person. After an even longer standing ovation than last time, He leaves the stage and we are told to exit the theatre and are thanked for coming.
   Everyone is quiet on the drive back from the most magical thing to ever be heard. After my friend drops me off at my house, I go to my room and download every song this man had ever created. I will never doubt a cellist ever again.

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