Monday, September 22, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - Historical Accuracy

Joe Malone was walking along the street into a bar, as he always did, but this time felt different, somehow. He could not remember what he had done earlier that day. When he walked into the bar that Sunday afternoon, he was surprised to find it completely abandoned. Even the bartender was gone. Confused, Joe walked back out of the pub into the streets that were also abandoned. What was happening? He wondered. He overheard an abandoned radio announcing the newest president of the United States. He wondered why no one was around to hear this very important news. There seemed to be much commotion near the Empire State building, so he decided to walk in that direction. The closer he got, the more anxious he became. Was there an attack; Did something devastating happen? Not being able to answer these questions, Joe weaved in and out of various journalists loitering around trying to get the scoop on whatever was happening. Now he was getting really nervous. He felt as though he was the cause of this happening. He decided to ask a harmless by-stander what all of the commotion was for. When he tapped the man reading a newspaper on the bench's shoulder to ask, he got the opposite reply of what he wanted. The man looked up, his eyes went huge, and he proceeded to scream. Joe was then surrounded by reporters and cameras and the cops were running towards him. Not knowing what else to do, Joe ran from them. Out of breath and confused, Joe took several turns until he thought he lost them. Joe Collapsed onto the asphalt, Why would they chase me like that? Joe wondered. He then got up and continued walking, thinking maybe that he would find friendlier people. Across the street at the Barber Shop, something caught his eye. A giant, ugly green monster was staring straight at him. Petrified, Joe just stood there, waiting for the monster to leave. It didn't budge, though, and with a jolt, Joe realized that he was the monster. He was staring into the mirror of the barber shop windows at himself. The alien that had taken residence in his body then retreated and went to find another unsuspecting victim. Shaken up by the whole experience, Joe went to the abandoned bar and poured himself a drink.

1 comment:

  1. I love the plot twist at the end! It makes me want to keep reading and I would love to read this as a short story. With that being said I think if you developed Joe Malone a little more, like saying if he was having a drink because of a bad day or a divorce, and saying where this random alien came from it would be a little more clear. Overall I really enjoyed this!
