Monday, September 15, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 - Animal Invention

  June 5, 2268
   Today is an exciting day. I, Professor James McClay, head scientist of Harvard University, will check up on my most revolutionary experiment yet. One of the world's greatest mysteries is why tortoises live so long. So that is why I, head scientist James McClay, jumped on the thought of taking a study group, giving them a tortoise lifestyle, and putting them in a safe environment. Tortoises are very serene, docile creatures, so it was easy to get some volunteers for my experiment. I first formulated pills that lowered the metabolism of my volunteers that they were instructed to take every day. Then, I had them all become vegetarians. Some were not happy about that, but hey, it was their choice to volunteer. I also instructed them to quit their job, because that could become stressful, and we cannot have that. Tortoises don't move very often, so they are not  put in danger to many things. I have instructed my volunteers to move as little as possible, for if they did move, they could fall and then would no longer be fit to conduct my experiment. So my subjects must just basically eat and sleep during this experiment.
   My subjects have arrived, and they are being taken to the lab to be tested. I am extremely excited to see how much they have expanded their lives by. The first subject was tested and everything, but showed little signs of improvement. The next two are the same. The fourth has some notable improvements, but just not enough to formulate a recipe for increased life times. The fifth person comes in, just an average Joe, but the tests results were quite surprising. His life expectancy  had increased by 50 years! Eureka! He is now being taken in for extensive testing, and I will hopefully be able to come up with an explanation and be able to help the future of this world live long and prosper.
January 1, 2278
   I have done it. I, Professor James Henry McClay the third, have increased the lifespan of humans by fifty years. All with a pill that one has to take every day since birth! The wealthy will really benefit from this, because they can afford to make the changes to their environment that would aid in their tortoise lifestyle, but taking the pill works just as well! Of course, it is not required that people take the pill, as it is quite expensive and you need one every day, but who wouldn't want to live forever? It has been ten years in the making, and all I have to say is that I hope the world can do better things now that they have more time to work. I can retire, now that I'm going to be a billionaire! the pill goes on the market today, and while it is better to start taking it as a baby, the adults who take it should have a few good years added on. I wouldn't be surprised if I was just elected president, right now. Now all I have to do is just sit back and watch the world change for the better.
May 21, 2280
   I have to escape, My test results from ten years ago were faulty and now everyone is dying prematurely. I, for one have not taken the pill yet for a long list of reasons, but now I wish to be dead like all of the pill-takers. So many dreams for a longer life to spend with their loved ones, gone. Crushed. I have taken great care to buy an island in case of a disaster happening, so I am on my way there now. The remaining people will call me a coward, but I don't care, I just want to escape. The only people left are the poor who could not afford the pills. I don't want to witness the chaos that will occur once every one else is dead, it is only a matter of time. Even the president took the pill. The only way this could have happened is if someone had sabotaged the formulation of the pill. I only know of one person who could have done that. The average Joe volunteer from the experiment. I had him tested so much. I practically destroyed him in order to get what I wanted. He must have tampered with the formula right before it went into production to get revenge. I can't say I blame him. I am a terrible person for trying to change the world.
   I have written these journal entries in hopes of others finding them and never making the mistake I made ever again. You can't change the future, so don't ever try! Give Up!

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