Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 - Strange Fruit

   "If you look to your left you will see the world's most dangerous and delectable fruit in the world. The Dragon fruit!" The tour guide said with a strong Australian accent. "Legend says that long, long ago, this fruit fed the Greek gods, provided sustenance for starving travelers, and was created by the extinct dragons." All of the tourists on the bus nodded their heads and snapped some pictures. I couldn't believe it, were people actually buying this junk? "In the ancient times, this fruit was used as a healing balm, and it was said to provide eternal life to whoever ate it. Of course that was not true, but they believed it was." I rolled my eyes. "Documents of this fruit go as far back as the roman times, where it was recorded, 'this is the best thing I have tasted in my life; a fiery sweetness so strong, so light, it is as if I am walking on a storm cloud.' This was said by Socrates, who had a love for Dragon fruits so strong, that he tried to change the name of the fruit to his own. Obviously no one agreed." I couldn't take this any longer, even my parents were eating up his ridiculous stories like cake. "Though no one knows for sure, this fruit is said to have been around since the beginning of time, which makes complete sense because that is when the dragons were alive!" The tour guide said enthusiastically. "You can purchase the complete history of the Dragon fruit volume one from our gift shop if you would like. We also have a cd of songs that mention the Dragon fruit if you would like that as well. Thank you for attending Hawaii Tours and Co. We hope you had a wonderful time and we do hope that you consider signing up for other tours that we do, like the daily life of the beetle, or the volcanos from afar." The tour guide said with a smile as he ushered us all into the gift shop shack. "Bye bye now," he called cheerfully.
   "Oh, honey, look at that Dragon fruit necklace, I must have it!" My mother exclaimed as she pushed her way through the crowded shack. My father rushed after her to make sure that she didn't buy the entire store. I just sat down and took a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Your story was incredibly creative and funny. It was almost as if you could feel how bored and annoyed the character was with the tour and the ridiculousness of it all. It was entertaining and very enjoyable. If you added some pictures or maybe a link or two, then it would really make your whole writing pop out and catch more people's eyes.
