Thursday, September 11, 2014

Monday, August 25 - Literary Character

   Eeyore was having a rough day. His tail was missing yet again, and all of his friends were on an adventure to who knows where. Eeyore told himself he didn't care one bit about being left out, but he was in denial. Trudging to his stick house, Eeyore had a marvelous idea. Why don't I just go and find them? He mused. It would surely be better than sitting under my sticks and being bitter. So off he went. He went to Rabbit's garden, Owl's tree, and Pooh's house, just to see if there was a party that he wasn't invited to.
   "Sure wouldn't be surprised," Eeyore muttered under his breath. With a tremendous sigh, he started to follow the river. Seeing no signs of anyone, Eeyore started to doubt he would ever find his friends and thought that everyone had moved to get away from him. He was about to go back to his gloomy place, when all of a sudden, something pink caught his eye. Was it a flag? Was it a small animal? Eeyore had to go and check, for if it were a small animal, he would want to help it get back to his friends if it had any. Walking a few more feet down the river, Eeyore noticed that it was not an animal, but it was in fact his tail. As content as he could be, Eeyore tried to reach the tail, but was not quite tall enough. This was when he noticed something was being held up to the tree by the pin in the tail. It had words on it and it was just high enough that Eeyore could not make out the words. Frustrated at his shortness, he went in search of a rock to climb up on. Once he finally retrieved a good sized rock and had climbed on top of it, he read the scribbles on the page.
Der Eeyore:
we r en a nu place.
go down teh hole rabbit made
se u soon

   Eeyore let out a ginormous sigh as he followed the arrow at the bottom of the page that said, "dis way." When he found the hole, he hesitated. What if this is a trap and they just want to get rid of me? Eeyore wondered, but seeing as he had no reason to stay if he was not wanted, he jumped through Rabbit's hole. Bright purples and blues clouded his vision as he fell through what seemed like an endless chasm. All of a sudden, there was a bright gold light, and  he had stopped. When his vision finally cleared and he could see again, Eeyore looked around. At first it seemed like nothing special, just a room with lots of other toys in it, maybe a kid's room. But those toys looked familiar. They were his friends! they did care about him and they did want him to join them in wherever they were. After many hugs and greetings, Eeyore asked where they were.
   "We are in Christopher Robin's room!" Pooh yelled excitedly.
   "But what about the hundred acre wood?' asked a confused Eeyore.
   "Oh, this will be much better, and see so many books to read and things to do!" Owl said with a gleam in his eyes. "It is like the best thing since the discovery of the moon!"
   "Alright, I guess I can live here, where should I build my new home?" Eeyore asked.
   "Oh, you won't need a home here in the real world, this room will protect you from anything! and the best part, no monsters!" Pooh exclaimed.
   "Well that's just great, because my house would have fallen apart anyways." Eeyore said.
   "That's the spirit, now let's explore!" Roo yelled as he bounced off the bed.
   So the Hundred Acre Wood gang was back together, and Eeyore was finally happy.

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